Opera 9.5 正式版发布,依然小巧极速

北京时间6月12日– Opera 浏览器的 9.5 最终版正式发布。经过近一年的开发测试,最新正式版 Opera 9.5 使用了全新的 Kestrel 内核,网页显示速度比老版本有了质的飞跃。而极速搜索、Opera Link 和 Opera 蜻蜓等的重大功能的加入让 Opera 如虎添翼。Opera 9.5 还是不失本色,依然小巧,依然极速,浏览器中的瑞士军刀。
Opera 中国在论坛和 QQ/Hi 群以及 IRC 频道组织在线发布会,参与者有机会获得官方送出的 Opera 球球和从挪威寄出的原版 Opera Magazine 。


Open XML SDK V1 : Avaiable later today

Later today you’ll be able to download the Open XML SDK v1 (currently the April CTP – make sure it’s changed before you download!). This release includes a set of APIs designed for manipulating Open XML format documents at the part level (ie wrapping a lot of the lower level System.IO.Packaging APIs) as well as samples and documentation. There will be a CTP of v2 of the SDK available later in the summer which offers higher level APIs targetted at the specifica of WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML etc

原文链接:Open XML SDK v1 Available From Today